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A. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Calendar

Each year is divided into 12 months of 30 days. The extra 5 days are placed at the end of the year and known as Pagumen. In the leap year the extra day is added to these five days making the Pagume of this year a period of 6 days.



Month - ወር- weri

  1. Meskerem- መስከረም (September-October) - 30 days

  2. Teqemt - ጥቅምት (October- November) - 30 days

  3. Hedar - ኅዳር (November- December) - 30 days

  4. Tahsas - ታኅሣሥ (December- January) - 30 days

  5. Ter - ጥር (January- February) - 30 days

  6. Yekatit - የካቲት (February- March) - 30 days

  7. Megabit - መጋቢት (March- April) - 30 days

  8. Miyazia - ሚያዝያ (April – May) - 30 days

  9. Ginbot- ግንቦት (May – June) - 30 days

  10. Sene- ሰኔ (June – July) - 30 days

  11. Hamle- ሐምሌ (July-August) - 30 days

  12. Nehase- ነሐሴ (August- September) - 30 days

  13. Pagume-ጳጉሜ (September) - 5 or 6 days


Week- ሳምንት- Saminiti

  1. Sunday- Ehud- እሁድ ( Senbete Krestian- The Christian’s Sabbath)

  2. Monday –Sagno -ሰኞ

  3. Tuesday –Maksagno-ማክሰኞ

  4. Wednesday –Rabue-ረቡዕ

  5. Thursday- Hamus-ሐሙስ

  6. Friday – Arb-ዓርብ

  7. Saturday - Kidame-ቅዳሜ (Qadamit Sanbat - the First Sabbath)


C. Seasons of the year

Ethiopian year has four seasons (ወቅት- wek’iti)

  1. Fall (መፀው - Met͟sewi)

  2. Spring (ፀደይ - T͟sedey)

  3. Summer (በጋ - Bega)

  4. Winter (ክረምት - Kiremiti)

D. Leap year cycle

Year=Ameti- አመት

The 4 year leap-year cycle (Leap year has 6 days in the month of Pagume) is associated with the four Evangelists:

  1. Zemene Yohanes - ዘመነ ዮሐንስ- The 1st  year after Ethiopian leap year is named - John-year

  2. Zemene Mathewos- ዘመነ ማቴዎስ- The 2nd year after Ethiopian leap year is named-Matthew- year

  3. Zemene Marikos -ዘመነ ማርቆስ- The 3rd year after Ethiopian leap year is named- Mark-year

  4. Zemene Lukasi- ዘመነ ሉቃስ- The year with the 6th Pagume day (Leap year) is traditionally designated as Luke-year.


E. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo CHURCH FEASTS


The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church has its Order of celebration of church feasts.


1. Saturday (Sabbath)- Qadamit Sanbat

The celebration of Saturdays is the Order of the Old Testament. (Ex. 20:8). In the era of the New Testament the Orthodox Church teaches that the observance of Saturdays should not be as strict as that of the Jews. “Christians should not be idle on the Sabbath like the Jews.” But they should work as Christians. (Fetha Negest 19).


2. Sunday (Christian’s Sabbath)

Sunday is the day on which Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos rose from the dead. It is, “The Day of Our Lord” in the New Testament. (Rev. 1:10; 1Cor. 16:1). “He celebrated it (Sunday), adored it, made it the day of light and of all days he glorified it,” (Saint Yared’s Degua Ze Fasika).

“And our rest is not to sleep like a suffering one in his disease, but to watch day and night that we may show our love for this day.” On this basis, the Church teaches the people to celebrate or observe Sunday by going to church to pray, give alms to the poor, visit the sick, and settle quarrels, as written in the Liturgy of Athanasius.


3. Nine major feast days of Our Lord:

In accordance with the canon of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, there are nine major feast days of Our Lord. These are:

3.1 Tsinset - ፅንሰት (Annunciation -ብስራት – Feast of Incarnation):

This holiday is celebrated on Megabit 29 E.C (April 7th), in observance of the announcement of Saint Gabriel that Our Holy Mother the  Virgin shall bring forth a Son who will save his people from their sins. So, this is a day of forgiveness of mankind.


3.2 Lidet - ልደት (Christmas):

The annual festival of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos’s birth, is celebrated on Tahisas 29 E.C. (January 7th) and on leap year on Tahisas 28 E.C (January 6th). This is in fulfillment of the prophecy that Our Holy Mother the Virgin shall give birth to God the Word who will save His people from their sins.

3.3 Timket - ጥምቀት (Epipany):

The annual festival of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos’s baptism in the river Jordan by John the Baptist, is celebrated on  Tire 11th E.C (January 19th )  .Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos started his ministry after being baptized at the age of 30. When Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos stepped out of the water after being baptized in the river of Jordan by John the Baptist the heavens opened and God the Father spoke “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove.” (Mt. 3:1-17; Mk. 1:4-12; Lk. 3:22; Jn. 1:29-34)

On the eve of the Epiphany, the Ark of the Covenant (Tabot) is carried from the church to a river where it is made to stay in a tent for the night. During the night, the praise of the Lord and hymnal services are performed and liturgy is conducted. In the morning, at the edge of the river prayers are recited, verses from the four Gospels are read; the water is blessed and sprinkled on the people not to repeat Baptism but to commemorate the Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos and receive spiritual blessing.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church celebrates this feast every year in order to teach and bear witness to the Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos performed to fulfill the prophecy, to give power to Baptism, to bless the water, to manifest the humbleness he displayed and thus serve as an example to us.

3.4 Debre Tabor -ደብረ ታቦር (Transfiguration):

This is the day in which Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos during his ministry, manifested the light of his God-head on Mount Tabor. It is celebrated on Nehase 13 E.C (August 19) E.C. (Mt. 17:1-9).


3.5 Hosanna - ሆሳዕና (Palm Sunday)

It is the Sunday that comes one week before Easter (Fasika). Its history is written in the Bible. (Mt. 21:9-15). Hosanna means salvation. On this day Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos entered into temple in triumph. On His way people praised him by saying Hosanna, Hosanna, in the highest! On Palm Sunday, Palm leaves are blessed and distributed to people who in turn tie them around their heads and place them in their houses. People chant Hosanna, Hosanna, in the highest! by waving palm fronds. On this day the hymn of Saint Yared is sang and verses from the four Gospels are read at the four directions of the Church.

3.6 Sikileti - ስቅለት (Crucifixion) (Good Friday):

This is the day on which Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos was crucified to redeem mankind.


3.7 Tinisae-ትንሳኤ (Fasika - ፋሲካ) Easter:

It is celebrated in commemoration of the resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos from the dead after His crucifixion on the cross in order to save mankind from sin. Easter for Christians is a day of spiritual victory and freedom. In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Easter is celebrated with great joy and deep spirituality. On the eve of Easter (Fasika), on Saturday, the children, elders and youth gather at churches and prayer services are conducted. After the performance of prayer services and covenant, in accordance with the canon of the Church, the priest carrying his cross and the faithful say the following:-

Priest:..... Christos is risen from the dead!.... .KIRISITOSI  TENISIA MUTANI! …..ክርስቶስ ተንስአ ሙታን

People:...By the highest power and authority!...BEABIYI  HAYILI WESILITANI !..በዐቢይ ኃይል ወስልጣን

Priest:………...He bound “Satan”! ……………………..ASERO  LESEYITANI !... ………..…አሰሮ ለሰይጣን

People:……...Freed Adam!...................................AGIAZO  LEADAMI ! ……………….አግአዞ ለአዳም

Priest:………..Peace!.............................................SELAMI !.................................. ሰላም

People:………Henceforth!.....................................IMIYIIZESI !.............................. እምይእዜስ

Priest:………..Shall prevail!....................................KONE !..................................... ኮነ

People:………Joy and Peace……………………………….. FISIHA   WESILAMI !............... ፍስሀ ወስላም

Thus after the above good tidings and witness heralding Easter is made, the kissing of the cross continues. The Liturgical service which starts at the middle of the night is wound up at 3 a.m. The days of the week between Easter (Tinisae -ትንሳኤ) and the next Sunday (Dagima Tinisae-ዳግማ ትንሳኤ) are considered as Easter days.


3.8 Irigeti - እርገት (Ascension):

After Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos rose from the dead, He appeared to the Apostles and taught them for 40 days Kidane (covenant) and other order of the churches. On the 40th day of His rising, as he had told the Apostles before, he gain told them of the descending of the Holy Spirit and ascended to Heaven. In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the day is celebrated with prayers and hymns.


3.9 Paracletos - ጰራቅሊጦስ (White Sunday):

It is the 10th day of Ascension and the 50th day of the resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos and is also the day on which the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. Paracletos means comforter. The Jews celebrate Paracletos after their Passover. Pentecost means fiftieth day and this day was known as the Jewish harvest festival day. Since the Holy Spirit the comforter descended upon the Apostles on this day, it is celebrated as the Feast of Pentecost. On the 10th day from Ascension of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos, at 9:00 a.m. in the morning, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, and what the Lord told them was fulfilled. After the Apostles received the Holy Spirit a new chapter was opened for Christian Church. As John Chrysostom said, “this is the birthday of the Christian Church”.

Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension Day and Pentecost have rotating days of observance in the calendar. However, Palm Sunday, Easter and Pentecost fall on Sunday; crucifixion on Friday and Ascension on Thursday. On the other hand, the others Day of Annunciation, Christmas, transfiguration and Epiphany have fixed days of observance.


4. Nine minor feast-days of the Lord:

Apart from the major nine feast-days, there are other nine minor feast-days of the Lord, these are:

4.1 Sibket:

Sibket is the 1st Sunday before Christmas. The feast to commemorate the preaching of the prophets that the Messiah will come to redeem his people from bondage of sin.

4.2 Birhan:

Birhan is the 2nd Sunday before Christmas. The feast to commemorate of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos’s coming to give light to the world.

4.3 Nolwai:

Nolwai is the 3rd Sunday before Christmas. The feast of of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos as “Good Shepherd.”


4.4 Genna -Christmas Eve:

This feast is observed on the eve of Christmas (Tahsas 28th E.C. -January 6th) to celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos.

4.5 Gizret – (Circumcision):

This feast is observed on Tire 6th E.C (January 14th )  as written in the Laws of Moses (Lev. 12:3) in commemoration of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos’s circumcision on the eighth day of His birth. (Lk. 2:21),

4.6 Lidete Simeon (Birth of Simon):

This is the feast to commemorate the presentation of Our Lord in the temple 40 days after his birth. Simon, an old man over the age of eighty. The day is called “Lidete Simeon” in remembrance of the rejuvenation of Simeon (become young man) when carrying the baby Eyesus Christos in his arms. It is observed on Yekatit 8th E.C.  (February 15th)  (Lk. 2:29, 32; Lev. 12:6).

4.7 Kana Ze Gelila – (Feast of Cana of Galilee): It is the feast when of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. (Jn. 2:1-12).

4.8 Debere Zeit (The feast of Mount of Olives): It is a feast commemorating the second coming of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos and where the resurrection of the dead is taught. (Mt. 24 and 25).

4.9 Mesekel – (the finding of the True Cross):  The Meskel holiday is celebrated on Meskerem 17th (27th of September) and Megabit 10 (19th of March). The word Meskel means, Cross, and the feast commemorates the finding of the True Cross by St. Helena. The story in brief is that after the crucifixion of the Lord, the sick were healed by touching it and rubbing their bodies against the Cross. Attracted by these miracles, many became Christians. Seeing this, the Jews threw the Cross into a rubbish disposal pit and after a long time this place grew into a hill. Christians knew the area despite their inability to dig out and retrieve it. During the invasion of Titus, (70 A.D.) all Christians left Jerusalem and long after the site of the city was changed, it became difficult to locate the place where the Cross was buried. Because of this it remained buried for more than three hundred years. In the 4th century, (327 A.D.) the mother of King Constantine, Queen Helena, made a trip to Jerusalem to find the Cross. But she could not trace the place for no one could tell her the exact location. Since the finding of the Cross was God’s Will, a certain old man by the name of Kiriakos (Kirakos Yared’s Hymn Book of Helena) sympathizing with her search, advised her as follows: - “ You need not tire out yourself and others in vain. Make people gather wood and pile it. Put incense on it and burn it. Following where the smoke drifts, dig and you will find out the Cross.” (Synaxarium Megabit (March) 10 E.C.). She did all that she was told and got the sign through the sign of the smoke where the Holy Cross was buried (Yared’s Hymn Book of Helena). She then dug and found out the Cross. The Ethiopian Hymnologist, St. Yared has praised this event with the verse, “The Wooden Cross which was buried at Golgotha by the Jews is found today.” (Yared’s Hymn Book of Helena). This event is also celebrated everywhere in Christian world. But in Ethiopia it is celebrated with great spiritual feeling and traditional sentiments. The Meskel Holiday falls during the beginning of the Ethiopian spring and this makes it very colorful. On Mekerem 16 (September 26th), in the cities, villages and the surrounding areas, people bring torches of twigs called ‘Chibo’ and wood to ‘Meskel Square’, to form the ‘Demara’ (bundles of branches of wood and twigs). The priests perform prayers in front of the Demera and sing,” Meskel has illuminated, and it decorated the sky with stars circle the Demera followed by a huge procession which circles it singing, “Iyoha Abebaye Meskerem Tebaye.” (Behold, Meskerem has dawned and the flowers have blossomed). People at home also light ‘chibbos’ and make merry. Since prayers have been said over the demera, people make a sign of the cross on their forehead with the ashes and spray it over their cattle. Since Helena started digging on Meskerem 17th (September 27th) and found the Cross on Megabit 10 (March 19th) these holidays are observed as the same holiday.


5. Thirty three feast days of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam:

The thirty three feast days of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam have been observed in

Ethiopia since the ancient times. Which are:

5.1. Tsedenia Mariam-ፀደኒያ ማርያም: The feast to commemorate the entrance of the Holy Icon of Mariam to the city of Tsedenia Egypt Mekerem 10 (Sep 20)

5.2 Gishon Mariam-ግሼን ማርያም: The commemoration of the coming of the Holy cross and the Holy icon of Mariam to mount Gishen Meskerem 21 (Oct 31)

5.3 Qusqam Mariam-ቁስቋም ማርያም: The feast of her Flight to Egypt- Mariam reached to the city of qusqam Hedar 6 (Nov 15)

5.4. Hedar Tsion-ፅዮን ማርያም: The Ark of the Covenant reached to Ethiopia at the time of King Menelik the 1st. Hedar 21 (Nov 30)

5.5. Beata LeMariam-በአታ ለማርያም: The feast of the entry of Our Holy mother to the Temple Tahsas 3 (Dec 12)

5.6. Beserate Gebreal- ብስራተ ገብርኤል: The feast of the announcement – This holiday was celebrated for the first time by Bishop Dekseyos Tahsas 22 (Dec 31)

5.7. Lidit- የጌታ ልደት: The feast on which Our Holy mother give birth to Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Christos Tahsas 29 or 28 on Leap year (Jan 7 or 8 )

5.8. Asterio Mariam- አስተርዮ ማርያም: The feast of the departure of Our Holy mother from this world Tirr 21 (Jan 29)

5.9.   Kidane Mehret-የካቲት ኪዳነምህረት: The feast of Covenant of Mercy Yekatit 16 (Feb 23)

5.10. Tsinsete Christos- የጌታችን ጽንሰት: The feast on which Our Holy Mother conceived her son Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos on megabit 29 (April 7)

5.11. YeGenbot Ledita-ልደታ ለማርያም: The feast of her nativity Genbot 1 (May 9).

5.12. Debre Mitmaq-ደብረ ምጥማቅ: On this day at the Debre Mitmaq church in Egypt Saint Mairam revealed herself with glory to all people Christians and Muslims people. Genbot 21 (May 29)

5.13. ቁስቋም ማርያም /የስደቷ መነሻ/: The day saint Mariam entered to Egypt Genbot 24 (June 1)

5.14.   On this day her son (baby Eyesus) planted dry stick to the ground and right away the dry stick grew  and blossomed Genbot 25 (June 2)

5.15. Commemoration of the day when our holy mother was thirsty in the desert of Egypt, her son our Lord and Saviour commanded the rock and water came forth (Sene 8, June 15)

5.16. Hensete Betekerstian-ሕንፀተ ቤተ ክርስቲያን:  On this day Our Lord and Saviour came down with glory to establish church in the name of his mother for the first time Sene 20 (June 28)

5.17.   Sene Golgota - ሰኔ ጎልጎታ: On this day when our holy Mother was praying at Golegota her son Our Lord and Saviour came down to her in his glory  Sene 21(June 29)


Filseta-LeMariam- which is celebrated for 16 days, (from Nehase 1-16) counted each as a separate feast.

5.18. Nehase 1 (August 7)

5.19. Nehase 2 (August 8)

5.20. Nehase 3 (August 9)

5.21. Nehase 4 (August 10)

5.22. Nehase 5 (August 11)

5.23. Nehase 6 (August 12)

5.24. Nehase 7 (August 13) Tsinseta LeMariam-ፅንሰታ ለማርያም: Annunciation of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mariam to her father Joachim and the day in which she was conceived. Nashi 7 E.C. (Aug 13)  

5.25. Nehase 8 (August 14)

5.26. Nehase 9 (August 15)

5.27. Nehase 10 (August 16)

5.28. Nehase 11 (August 17)

5.29. Nehase 12 (August 18)

5.30. Nehase 13 (August 19)

5.31. Nehase 14 (August 20 )On this day The Apostles of our Lord and Saviour received the body of our Holy Mother from Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos and rest it at Golegota).

5.32. Nehase 15 (August 21)

5.33. Nehase 16 Filseta-LeMariam- Assumption of Our Holy Mother, Nehase 16 (Aug 22)


F. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Monthly Holidays

1.  Ledata Mariam, The nativity of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam/ Archangel Raguel / Bartholomew the Apostle/ Prophet Elijah (ልደታ ማርያም ፣ ራጉኤል ፣ ሐዋርያው በርተሎሜዎስ ፣ነብዩ ኤልያስ)

2.   Thaddeus the Apostle/Abba Guba, one of the Nine Saints (ሐዋርያው ታድዮስ ፣ አባ ጉባ)

3.  Beata: The Entrance the three years old Virgin Mariam into the Temple /Abune Zena Markos/ Archangel Phanuel/ Saint Neakuto Leab (በአታለማርያም ፣ አቡነ ዜና ማርቆስ ፣ ቅዱስ ፋኑኤል)

4.   John the son of the Thunder (Yohannis Welde Negedguad) / Andrew the Apostle (ዮሐንስ ወልደ ነጎድጓድ ፣ ሐዋርያው እንድርያስ)

5.   Petros we Paulos (Peter and Paul) and Abuna Gebre Menfes Kidus / Abune Arone (ጴጥሮስወ ጳውሎስ ፣ ገብረ መንፈስ ቅዱስ ፣ አቡነ አሮን)

6.   Iyyasus / Dabra Quesqam Mariam / Saint Arsema (ኢየሱስ ፣ ቁስቋም ማርያም ፣ አርሴማ)

7.  Holy Trinity (አጋዕዝተ አለም ስላሴ)

8.  Cherubim /Saint Matthias the Apostle / Abune Kiros / Abba Banuda (ኪሩቤል አርባእቱ እንስሳ ፣ ሐዋርያው ማትያስ ፣ አቡነ ኪሮስ)

9.  Saint Thomas the Apostle/Abune Isitinifase Kirisitosi / The 318 holy fathers assembled in the  city of nice ( ሰልስቱ ምዕት፣ ሐዋርያው ቶማስ ፣ አቡነ እስትንፋሰ ክርስቶስ )

10. Holy Cross (Masqal)/ Ts’edeniya Mariyami/Simon the Zealot (መስቀለ ክርስቶስ ፣ ስምኦን ቀኖናዊ ሐዋርያ ፣ ፀደንያ ማርያም)

11. Saint Hanna, the mother of our holy Mother/ Saint Joachim, the father of our holy Mother/ Saint Yared/Abune Hara (ሐና እና ኢያቄም ፣ ቅዱስ ያሬድ ፣ አቡነ ሐራ)

12. Archangel Michael /Matthew the Apostle/ Abba Samuel from Waldeba (ቅዱስ ሚካኤል፣ አባ ሳሙኤል ፣ ሐዋርያ ማቴዎስ)

13. Egziabher Abe (God the Father)/Archangel Raphael /Saint Abba Zar’a-Buruk (እግዚአብሔር አብ ፣ ቅዱስ ሩፋኤል ፣ አቡነ ዘርአ ብሩክ)

14. Abuna Aragwi-one of the Nine Saints/Gabra Krestos the hermit (አቡነ አረጋዊ ፣ገብረ ክርስቶስ/ገብረ መርአዊ

15. St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta (ቂርቆስና እየሉጣ)

16. Kidane Meheret - Our Lady, Covenant of Mercy (ኪዳነ ምህረት)

17. Saint Stefanos (Stephen the Martyr) - the First Martyr and Archdeacon)/ James the apostle /Abba Gerima (one of the Nine saints) (ቅዱስ እስጢፋኖስ ፣ ሐዋርያውያዕቆብ ወልደ ዘብዲዮስ ፣ አባ ገሪማ)

18. Philip the Apostle /Abune Ewostatewos (ሐዋርያው ፊሊጶስ ፣ ኢዩስጣቲዮስ)

19. Gabriel the Archangel (ቅዱስ ገብርኤል)

20. Hnstata Betkerestyan- The Building up of the church in the name of our Holy virgin Mariam (ሕንፀተ ቤተ ክርስቲያን)

21. Egze’et-na Maryam: Our Holy Mother Maryam, Mother of God (ቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም)

22. Archangel Uriel/ Saint Daqsyos/ Commemoration of the Annunciation/ Saint Lukas (ቅዱስ ኡራኤል ፣ ደቅስዮስ ፣ ሉቃስ ፣ ብስራተ ገብርኤል)

23. Saint Georgis - George of Lydda (ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ)

24. Abuna Takla Haymanot/ Saint Kirstos Semera / 24 Heavenly Priests - አቡነ ተክለ ሐይማኖት ፣ ቅድስት ክርስረቶስ ሰምራ ፣ 24ቱ ካህናተ ሰማይ)

25. Saint Marqorewos (Merkorios)/ Abune Habibe (ቅዱስ መርቆሬዎስ ፣አቡነ ሀቢብ (አባ ቡላ))

26. Saint Joseph / Abba Salama- Frumentius, the En lightener of Ethiopia/Thomas the apostle/ Abune Habte Mariam / Aba Eyesus Moe`a (አረጋዊው ዮሴፍ ፣ አባ ሰላማ ከሳቴ ብርሀን ፣ ቶማስ ዘህንደኬ ፣ አቡነ ሀብተ ማርያም ፣ አባ ኢየሱስ ሞአ)

27. Medhane Alem -The Saviour of the world/ Abune Mebea Zion (መድሐኔአለም ፣ አቡነ መባዓ ፅዮን)

28. Emmanuel (አማኑኤል)

29. Ba`ale Wold (Feast of God The Son) / Saint Lalibela (በዓለወልድ፣ ቅዱስ ላሊበላ)

30. John the baptist / Saint Markos -St. Mark the Evangelist (ዮሐንስ መጥምቅ ፣ ቅዱስ ማርቆስ)


H. Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Yearly holidays

Yearly holidays in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are celebrated by taking out the Ark of the Covenant from the Holy of Holies and carrying it on the head of a priest and going around the Church three times in procession (oudet) to the accompaniment of songs and hymns fitting each particular occasion. The celebration is wound up after a sermon is given. This happens when the church service is conducted in the morning. However, on other feast days, the liturgy is performed after the Ark of the Covenant is returned to the temple where, again the ceremony is concluded after a sermon.

The days on which feasts and holidays fall are calculated by a set of rules as laid down in a book called “Bahre Hasab”. Regularly recurring holidays are declared on the first day of the Ethiopian New Year which is also known as St. John the Baptist’s Feast Day. Ethiopian New Year falls on Meskerem 1st (September 11th) except in a leap year when it fall on September 12th. The beginning of the New Year is believed to be the beginning of the bating of the flood of destruction and the covenant God made with Noah that they shall come in cyclic succession. (Gen. 8:13-22; Jubilee 7:19-30). Since our Church is ancient and follows the tradition of the Old Testament, she observes and maintains the order of reckoning the New Year in accordance with this tradition. Yearly Holidays are:

1. Meskerem /September

Meskerem 1/September 11: Ethiopian New Year: Kidus Yohannes / Arch Angle Raguel

Meskerem 2/September 12: The Martyrdom (Beheading) of St. John the Baptist

Meskerem 10/September 20:   The Miracle with the Icon of St Mary (Tsedenya)

Meskerem 15/ September 25:    Saint Estifanos the First Martyr migration of his body

Meskerem 17 (September 27):   Meskel – Finding of the True Cross

Meskerem 18 (September 28): Saint Ewostatewos

Meskerem 21(October 1): The lodging of a piece of the "True Cross" in Gishen Debre Kerbe monasteries in Ethiopia.

Meskerem 26 (October 6)-Hidar 6 (November 14): Tsege Fasting season devoted to the Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt

Meskerem 29 (October 9): The Martyrdom (Beheading) of Kidist Arsema


2. Teqemt/ October


Teqemt 5 (Oct 15): Abuna Gabra Manfas Qeddus- accept covenant from God

Teqemt 9 (Oct 19): Saint Tomas the Apostle

Teqemt 14 (Oct 24): Abuna Aragwi taken away , one of the Nine Saints/Gabra Krestos the hermit departed from this world, Saint Philipos departed from this world

Teqemt 17 (Oct 27):   Saint Estifanos the First Martyr and Archdeacon, ordination date

Teqemt 22 (November 1): Saint Mark departed from this world

Tegemt 25 (November 4): Abuna Habibe departed from this world

Teqemt 27 (November 6): Medhane Alem - The Saviour of the world/ Abba Meba Zion departed from this world

Teqemt 28 (November 7): Kidus Amanu’el

Teqemt 30 (November 9): Birth date of Saint Markos


3. Hidar / November


Hidar 6 (November 15): Qusquam, the return of the Holy family to their home

Hidar 7 (November 16): Feast of the Great Martyr Saint George, the consecration of the first church dedicated to him

Hidar 8 (November 17): Annual Feast of the Four Living Creatures (Cherubim) / Abba    Kiros

Hidar 11(November 20: Saint Hanna the mother of Our Holy mother departed from this world

Hidar 12 (November 21): Annual Feast of Archangel Saint Michael “the Exodus of Israel from Egypt "through the help of the Archangel Michael

Hidar 13 (November 22): God the Father/ The feast of Thousands of Angles

Hedar 15(November 25): Tahsas 28 (January 06): The Fast of the Prophets (Tsome Nebiyat)


Hedar 16 (November 26): Abba Iyesus-Mo’a, the founder monastery of St. Stephen of Lake Hayq in Wollo

Hedar 18 (November 28): Philip the Apostle departed from this world

Hidar 21 (November 30): The Feast to commemorate of the coming of the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia

Hidar 24 (December 3): The Commemoration of the Festival of the Twenty four Priests of heaven

Hidar 25 (December 4): Saint Marqorewos, the martyrdom

Hidar 26 (December 5): Abune Habte Mariam departed from this world / Abba Iyesus-Mo’a departed from this world

Hidar 27 (December 6): Saint James (Yakeob), the martyrdom


4. Tahisas /December


Tahisas 1(December 10): Elijah, the prophet- birth date

Tahisas 3 (December 12): Beata-The Entrance the three years old Virgin Mariam into the Temple /Abune Zena Markos departed from this world

Tahisas 4 (December 13): Andrew, the Apostle departed from this world

Tahisas 6 (December 14): Saint Arsema migration of her body

Tahisas 7 – 13 (December 16 – 22): Sebket - the Season to commemorate the Proclamation of prophet

Tahisas 12 (December 21): Departure of Abba Samuel of Waldebba monastery

Tahisas 13 (December 22): Archangel Raphael stops whale shark from destroying the church

Tahisas 14-20(December 23 – 29): Berhan (Light) - the Season to commemorate the coming of God as the Sun of Justice redeeming His people with His Divine Light.

Tahisas 19 (December 27): Archangel Gabriel-is dedicated to the rescue of the three youths (Sidraq, Misaq and Abdenago)

From Tahisas 21- 27 (December 30 – January 5): Nolawi (The Shepherd) - the Season to commemorate the coming of God who gave his life for sake of his sheep (children)

Tahisas 22 (Dec 31): Bisrate Gebreal (the Annunciation) and Holiday of Daqseyos

Tahisas 24 (January 2): Abuna Takla Haymanot's birth date

Tahisas 28 (January 6): Genna- eve of Lidit

Tahisas 29 (January  7): Lidit- The Nativity- The birth of  Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos/ birth of king Lalibela/ birth of Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus


5. Terr / January


Terr 1 (January 9): Stephen, the first martyr

Terr 4 (January 12): Yohannes Walda Nagoadgad- John, the Son of Thunder, taken to heaven

Terr 6 (January 14): The Circumcision of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos (Gezret) / Elijah, the prophet taken to heaven from this world

Tirr 7 (January 15): Kidest Selassie/The Holy Trinity,

Terr 10 (January 18): Ketera- eve of Timket

Terr 11 (January 19): Epiphany -Timket, The annual celebration of the Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos

Terr 12 (January 20): Qana Za-galilia-the miracle at Cana of Galilee/ The feast of Archangel Michael

Terr 13 (January 20): Aba Zar’a-Buruk-departed from this world

Terr 15(January 23): Annual feast of St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta became martyrs.

Terr 18 (January 27): Feast of the Great Martyr Saint George, the scattering of his bone

Terr 21 (January 29):   The departure of Our Holy Mother

Terr 22 (January 30): Archangel Uriel received covenant and ordained as an Archangel

Terr 23 (January 30): Saint Timothy the evangelist, departed from this world

Terr 24 (Feb 1): Abuna Takla Haymanot-having stood 7 years one of his legs broke

Terr 28 (Feb 5): Amanu’el-The Multiplication of the loaves


6. Yekatit /February


Yekatit 8 (February 15): Birth of Simon the old-The entrance of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos into the Temple

Yekatit 16 (February 23): The Covenant of St. Mary (Kidane Mihret)

Yekatit 23 (March 2): Saint Giorgis (George)-The Battle of Adwa


7. Megabit /March


Megabit 5 (March 14): Departure of Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus “the Star of the desert”

Megabit 8 (March 2): Mathias, the Apostle

Megabit 10 (March 4): The Finding of the true Cross

Megabit 22 (March 31): The original day of Palm Sunday -Hossaena

Megabit 27 (April 5): Tente Sikletu- Medhanialem yearly feast (The original day of crucifixion)

Megabit 29 (April 7): Ba`ale Wald -The Incarnation of Our Lord and Saviour Eyesus Kristos


8. Miyazia /April


Miyazia -7 (April 15): The departure of Iyachem the Father Holy Virgin Mariam

Miyazia 17 (April 25): James, the Apostle

Miyazia 23 (May 1): Giyorgis (George of Lydda), his martyrdom

Miyazia 30 (May 8): Mark, the Evangelist, his martyrdom


9. Ginbot /May


Ginbot 1(May 9): Ledata Mariam, The nativity of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam

Ginbot 11 (May 19): Taken to heaven of St. Yared

Ginbot 12(May 20): The Veneration of Relics of Saint Tekle Haymanot /Saint Kristos Semra took out 10,000 souls from Sheol to to Heaven

Ginbot 14 (May 22): Saint Gebre Kristos, The groom, on his wedding night left everything behind and and became hermit

Ginbot 21 (May 29): The appearance of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam in the church of Debre Mitmak

Ginbot 24 (June 1): The Entry of the holy family into Egypt

Ginbot 26 (June 3): St. Thomas the Apostle, his martyrdom

Ginbot 28 (June 5): Amanu’el

Ginbot 29 (June 6): Abba Guba one of the Nine Saints, Departed on this day


10. Senie /June


Senie 8 (June 15): Our Holy Mother was thirsty, and her son commanded the rock and water came

Senie 12 (June 19): Annual Feast of Archangel Saint Michael,the deliverance of Bahiran from the hand of the wicked rich man/the deliverance of Saint Afomeya from the hand of Satan/ Saint Lalibela departed from this world

Sene 20 (June 27): Henesate Beta Krestiyan - Establishment of the First Church Dedicated to Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam at Philippi

Sene 21 (June 28): Sene Golgota - Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam prayed at Golota / the Consecration of he First Church Dedicated to Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam at Philippi

Sene 25 (July 2): Saint Jude, son of Alpheus, the Apostle, his martyrdom

Sene 30 (July 7): Birth date of John the Baptist


11. Hamle/July


Hamle 2 (July 9): Thaddeus the Apostle, his martyrdom

Hamle 5 (July 12): Peter and Paul, the Apostles, martyrdom / departure of Abba Gerima the founder of Abba Gerima monastery

Hamle 7 (July 14): Kidist Selassie/ The Holy Trinity,  the visit of God to Abraham in the form of three guests /Aba Girorgies zegasecha- Departed from this world

Hamle 8 (July 15): Abba Kiros -Departed from this world

Hamle 10 (July 17): Bartholomew or Nathanael, his martyrdom

Hamle 15 (July 22): St. Qirqos (Cyriacus) and his mother St. Iyyeluta (Julietta), their martyrdom

Hamle 16 (July 23): John, "the Son of Thunder" his taken away to heaven

Hamle 18 (July 25): James, the Apostle, his martyrdom

Hamle 19 (July 26): The angel of God, St. Gabriel rescue Qirqos (Cyriacus) and his mother St. Iyyeluta (Julietta)

Hamle 22 (July 29): Archangel Uriel

Hamle 26 (August 2): Saint Joseph, departed from this world, Abba Salama- Frumentius, the En lightener of Ethiopia departed from this world

Hamle 30 (August 6): Andrew, the Apostle, his martyrdom


12. Nehasie/ August


From Nehasie 1-15 (August 7-22): Tsome Filseta, The Fast of the Assumption of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam

Nehasie 7 (August 13): Ts'inseta LeMariam- Saint Hanna’s Conception of Blessed Virgin Saint Mariam

Nehasie 12 (August 18): The Archangel Michael

Nehasie 13 (August 19): Mount Tabor -transfiguration (Debre Tabor)

Nehasie 16 (August 23): Feast of the Assumption of Our Holy Mother Virgin Mariam

Nehasie 24 (August 30): Abuna Takla Haymanot departed from this world / Saint Kristos Semera departed from this world


13. Pagumen / September


Pagumen 2 (September 7): Saint Titus the evangelical, his martyrdom

Pagumen 3 (September 8): The Festival of the Archangel Raphael, commemorates the miracle of Raphael as written on the Book of Tobit /Melchisedek


Moving Holidays


1. Tsoma Nanawe: The fast of Nineveh (Jonah’s Fast)


2. Great Fast (Abiy Tsom): Hudadi (Vast Land)


  • Zewerede, Week of Heraclius (Herqal): The 1st Sunday of The Holy Great Fast  - which is Sunday before the fast start

  • Qidist (Holy):The 2nd Sunday of The Holy Great Fast -The holiness of Our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus Kristos

  • Mikurab: The 3rd Sunday of the great lent (Eyesus Kristos cleanses the Temple/ Synagogue)

  • Metsagu : The 4th Sunday of the great lent,  Our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus Kristos healed the man who was lame for 38 years

  • Debre Zeit (Mount of Olives): The 5th Sunday of the great lent, announced second coming of  our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus kristos

  • Gebr Her: The 6th Sunday of the great lent, the parable of the talents  

  • Nikodimos :The 7th Sunday of the great lent,Nicodemus come to Our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus kristos at night

  • Hosaena( Palm Sunday): The 8th Sunday of Lent, the entry of our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus kristos into Jerusalem

  • Samuna Hemamat  (Holy-week)

    • Tselote Hamus (Holy Thursday): Holy Communion is delivered on this day

    • Seklat (Good Friday): the crucification of our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus kristos

    • Kedame Se'ur (Holy Saturday):unobserved Sabbath

  • Tensae-Fasika (Easter): The resurrection of our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus kristos

3. Zamana Tensae (From Easter- Ascension)


  • Dagma -Tensae: First Sunday after Easter, The apparition of the risen Lord to the Apostle Thomas


4. Ergat: The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord God and Saviour Eyesus kristos


5. Parakletos: The Descent of the Holy Spirit  


6. Tsome Hawariat: The Fast of the Apostles

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