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ስብሐት ለአብ - Sibhat leab

ስብሐት ለአብ ስብሐት ለወልድ ስብሐት ለመንፈስ ቅዱስ

ስብሐት ለአብ ስብሐት ለወልድ ስብሐት ለመንፈስ ቅዱስ (3)

ስብሐት ለእግዘትነ ማርያም ድንግል ወላዲተ አምላክ፡

ስብሐት ለመስቀለ እግዚእነ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ :

ክርስቶስ በምሕረቱ ይዘከረነ። አመ ዳግም ምጽአቱ ኢያስተኅፍረነ። ለሰብሖተ ስሙ ያንቅሀነ:: ወበአምልኮቱ ያጽንአነ: እግዝእትነ ማርያም አእርጊ ጸሎተነ : ወአስተሥርዪ ኃጢአተነ : ቅድመ መንበሩ ለእግዚእነ : ለዘአብልዐነ ዘንተ ኅብስተ : ወለዘአስተየነ ዘንተ ጽዋዓ : ወለዘሠርዐ ለነ ሲሳየነ ወአራዘነ : ወለዘተዐገሠ ለነ ኵሎ ኃጢአተነ : ወለዘወሀበነ ሥጋሁ ቅዱሰ ወደሞ ክቡረ : ወለዘአብጽሐነ እስከ ዛቲ ሰዓት። ነሀብ ሎቱ ስብሐተ ወአኰቴተ ለእግዚአብሔር ልዑል : ወለወላዲቱ ድንግል : ወለመስቀሉ ክቡር: ይትአኰት ወይሰባሕ ስሙ ለእግዚአብሔር : ወትረ በኵሉ ጊዜ ወበኵሉ ሰዓት::

Sibhat Leab sbhat LeWeld sbhat LeMenfes Qidus

Sibhat Leab sbhat LeWeld sbhat LeMenfes Qidus 

sbhat egzi-etne Mariam Dingil Weladite Amlak

sbhat LeMesqele Egzine Eyesus  Kristos

Christos bemhretu yzekrene  -  webedagme metsa’itu iyastahafrene -  lesibhotu Simu yanqhane - webe-amlikotu yatsne’ane  -  Egzitne Mariam Dingl Weladite Amlak, a'argi tselotne - we-astesri kulo hatiatne - qidme menberu le-Egzine  -lezeable’ane zente hbste  - welezeser’a lene sisayene wearazene  -  wlezetageselene kulo hatiatine -welezewhabene Sigahu Qeduse weDemu Kibure - wele ze-abtsehane eske zati se’at

- nehab lotu sibhat weako-tiet le-Egziabhier liul - weleWeladitu Dingil - weleMesqelu Kibur - yitakot  weysebah smu le-Egziabhier  wetre bekulu gzie webe kulu se’at.

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Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus is called the “Star of the Desert”

·        Born on January 7/Tahisas 29 – his date of birth and conception coincide with the day of Our Lord's birth

·        He lived 300 years in desert of Egypt

·        He went from Egypt to Ethiopia by the order of God

·        He stayed at Lake Ziquala-ዝቋላ for 100 years praying for Ethiopia and there received a covenant from God

·        He brought dead lions back to life

·        He met King Lalibela and promised him that he would live in the Mountains of Ziquala and not leave Ethiopia

·        He lived for 562 years on earth and departed from this world in the Mountains of Ziquala on Megabit 5/March 14, his body rests in Medre Kebed - ምድረ ከብድ.

May Medhanealem Grant us to See The Light of His Resurrection in Peace Amen!


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እሰግድ ለአብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ - Eseged le’Ab weWeld weMenfes Qidus

እሰግድ ለአብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ

እሰግድ ለአብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ አሐተ ሰግደተ (3) እንዘ አሐዱ ሠለስቱ : ወእንዘ ሠለስቱ አሐዱ : ይሤለሱ በአካላት ወይትዋሐዱ በመለኮት ::

እሰግድ ለእግዝእትነ ማርያም ድንግል ወላዲተ አምላክ።

እሰግድ ለመስቀለ እግዚእነ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ዘተቀደሰ በደሙ ክቡር። መስቀል ኃይልነ፡ መስቀል ጽንዕነ፡ መስቀል ቤዛነ መስቀል መድኃኒተ ነፍስነ አይሁድ ክሕዱ ንሕነሰ አመነ ወእለ አመነ በኃይለ መስቀሉ ድኅነ። 

Eseged le’Ab weWeld weMenfes Qidus

Eseged le’Ab weWeld weMenfes Qidus ahate segdet (3) Enze ahadu selestu we-inze selestu ahadu Yesielesu be’akalat,  weyiTewahdu bemelekot

Eseged leEgitene Mariam Dingil, Weladite Amlak 

Eseged leMesqel Egzi’ine  Eyesus Christos zeteQedese bedemu kibur Mesqel Hailine Mesqel Tsinene Mesqel Beyzane Mesqel Medhanite Nesfine Aihud kihidu, nehnese amene we’ile amene behaile Mesqelu dihine

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