7 Salutations to the Covenant of Mercy
+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit one God Amen +
1: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy, my hope, the justifier of the sinner, the seeker after the one sheep of the ninety and nine which hath become cast away.
2: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy, thou pillar set up by God; be thou a sign of salvation unto all sinners, O thou whose love strengthened.
3: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy, thou gold that embraceth all riches, the storehouse of the poor and needy, and the wealth of him that is in Heaven.
4: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy, who weighest the Heavens in balance; my trust is in thee, grant thou unto me both the strife and the conquest thereof.
5: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy, earnest of the kingdom of heaven; whosoever loveth thee shall live in hope until the resurrection of all mankind shall take place.
6: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy. If I cannot justify myself by strivings and good works let me rely upon thee, O Virgin Covenant, to save my soul from perdition.
7: Salutation to thee, O Covenant of Mercy upon him that shall build a temple in the name of thy Covenant, and upon those of us who pray in thy name, O Mariam, bestow a portion of thy blessing, and make supplication unto thy Good Son on our behalf.
+ Amen +