Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus is called the “Star of the desert”
Born on January 7 / Tahisas 29 – his date of birth and conception coincide with the day of Our Lord Eyesus Kristos
He lived 300 years in desert of Egypt
He went from Egypt to Ethiopia by the order of God
He stayed at Ziquala / ዝቋላ Lake for 100 years praying for Ethiopia and received a covenant from God
He brought dead lions back to life
He met King Lalibela and promised him that he would live in mount Ziquala and not leave Ethiopia
On Tikemet 5 [October 15] he received a great covenant from God.
He lived for 562 years on earth and departed from this world on the mount of Ziquala on Megabit 5 /March 14; his body rests in “Medre Kebed / ምድረ ከብድ”
May the prayer of Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus be upon us!